Top 4 Nigeria tribes that speaks the worst English language

It is said that English language is not our mother's tongue, so you can't kill yourself if you find it difficult to speak it. But it is very essential you know how to speak English language, because Nigeria was colonised by the Great Britain (an English speaking nation).it is one of the culture we were taught by them.

Also, English language is a generally accepted Language in Nigeria. It is the official language of the nation. Since, Nigeria is a multi-tribal nation with people of different origin, culture and with different languages she has to maintain the British culture she learnt. Making English language as an official language in Nigeria, is actually the best solution to solve language rival and confusion among tribes of Nigeria. And it's one of the steps to unite the nation.

English language has become a very essential subject in Nigeria educational system. Some of Nigeria native languages are not even taught in school, because they're plenty. In one state you can find up 10 different languages, so you can't expect one language to be taught in school leaving the others.

Depite the fact that English language is taught in Nigeria schools, there are some tribe that find it so difficult to speak English language correctly. The reasons why tribes in Nigeria find it difficult to speak good English language is my next article, please wait till then so I can explain more. In this article I will be listing the top 5 tribe in Nigeria that are worst in speaking good English language. Here comes the no. 1 tribe;

1. The hausa tribe

This tribe is a very large one that are mostly peasant farmers. They don't really believe in western education due to their religious beliefs. Most of them refuses to go to School, even the ones that are in school still find it difficult to speak a correct English. They pronounce letter "P" as letter "F" and letter "F" as letter "P" like "people" are pronounce as "feofle", and "fish" as "pish" and many more. Let's make some sentence with it and have fun, "my feofle said I should marry frecious and not fromise because, she can pry pish very well" and " mah bruda wetin I want to buy?

2. The Ibibios

The people of Ibibio in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria are people with good sense of humour coupled with their funny way of speaking English language. An average Ibibio man found it difficult to speak a good English without it pushing you into laughter. They usually pronounce their letter "G" as letter "C" and letter "O" as letter "U" as in : God - Cod, Oga - uga, Grace - crase, Gulder - kulder,etc. It is very funny to hear, right? They don't do it intentionally, they desire to speak nice English but they don't know the source of their problem let to know how to solve it. My next article will be of help to people out there that fine it difficult to pronounce certain words as usual.

3. The igbos

The Igbos are indeed are educated but found it very difficult to speak English language without mixing it up with their native language more especially when they don't know the English word to use instead. An Igbo man always feel like saying ''nna how are you?'' nwannem have u eaten? "Go and get me that mmm... that ngagi" They are very wrong speakers of English language, especially the Anambra state people. An average Anambra man will always pronounce letter "R" as letter "L" this is indeed hilarious. They speak it with total boldness and they don't give room for correction. They pronounce words like : "Rejoice" as "lejoice", "Rice" as"lice",etc let's make some sentence with it and have fun. "Lejoice give me lice am hungry" lol.. And finally no full sentence a non-educated Igbo man will speak without you hearing "he now" in it.

4. The Yorubas

This one is the worst when it comes to abusing English language. They can't do without speaking wrong English language. If you mistakenly fall into the trap of a non-educated Yoruba girl and try to ask her questions like "where are you babe?" Brother you will be surprised at the response, it goes like this " I'm in the home, let me start and be coming". This tribe is amazing in the use of English language.

If you want to see the real wonders an average Yoruba man can perform with English language is when you get encounter with a Yoruba tout or a bus conductor.

5. The Ijaw tribe

This is another tribe in Nigeria that are very good in speaking wrong English language. Their intonation sounds very funny and scary. Majority of them are deprived the opportunity to attend school due to their massive fishing culture. They spend all day in the river to fish, and never have the opportunity to get formal education. Some of them is as a result of lack of financial assistance that they never attended school. Seriously, this tribe can speak English language for African.

Friends am not writing this to upset anyone or to express hatred over any tribe, but the truth has to be spoken. This is to review our problem so we can seek means to solve it and be free from it forever. Hope you had enough fun, hit the like button and share to make someone's day. And you are free to oppose, thanks for your interest and cooperation.


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